
Probabilistic Forecast Reconciliation in Global Health Supply Chain Operations

Improving Vaccine Forecasts to Increase Coverage

Probabilistic Forecast Reconciliation For Emergency Services Demand

Probabilistic Forecasting of hourly Emergency Departement arrivals

Forecasting for Social Good workshop opening

Forecasting for Social Good opening at University of Oxford

Hierarchical forecasting of vaccine supply chain

Forecasting for vaccine supply chain, a presentation in the Forecasting for Social Good workship at University of Oxford

My research projects with organisations

This presentation summarise my projects with organisations that involve forecasting, machine learning and modeling.

On time series features and forecasting by temporal aggregation

We discuss the perfromance of temporal aggregation approaches and examine the association between the original time series features and the performance of temporal aggregation approaches using machine learning

On performance of temporal aggregation in time series forecasting

We discuss the perfromance of temporal aggregation approaches. We assess the forecast combination of temporal aggregation and investigate how temporal aggregation affects time series features. We examine the association between the original time series features and the performance of approaches using machine learning

International Symposium of Forecasting, University of Oxford

Summary of talks I have delivered or co-authored.